Portfolio – Sustainable masks: a creative project for the 3rd-year students on the Multimedia course of the Art School

Traduzione inglese a cura degli Studenti di 3 Liceo Linguistico ICS+INT

The students on the Advanced Graphics Design course had the opportunity to put their artistic skills into practice by crafting wearable masks inspired by the animal kingdom, using only recycled cardboard from school canteen packaging material. An exciting project that ended with a photo shoot freezing the outcome of the hard team work and providing the chance to reflect on sustainability.

Promoting sustainability through art and recycling

This project ultimately aims at raising the students’ awareness about the importance of recycling and reducing waste while stimulating their artistic creativity. The choice of repurposing recycled cardboard from school canteen packaging as the main material for the masks is a sustainable practice in line with the principles of circular economy. The students were encouraged to give free rein to their imagination and use only black and white shades to decorate their masks, thus highlighting the importance of simplicity and minimalism. 

The power of imagination and collaboration

Throughout the creative process, the students had the opportunity to explore the wide range of animals in the animal kingdom and draw inspiration from their beauty and uniqueness in order to represent them through masks. This approach enabled them to develop a greater appreciation for biodiversity and to reflect on the importance of the conservation of natural habitats. In addition, the teamwork fostered collaboration and social interaction, encouraging students to share ideas, competencies and resources, thus developing important skills for the future. 

Enhancing results through photography

The project ended with a professional photo session with the students’ masks taking center stage. The photographs captured the creative essence and the originality of the teamwork, enabling the project to be disseminated through exhibitions, publications and the creation of a digital archive. 

#CasnatiforESD #wearecasnati