Article written by teachers Fabio Bottoni, Federica Quartesan and Tomaso Vimercati

During the 2022-2023 school year, the classes of the three-year Audiovisual-Multimedia Course from the Art School took part in the The Edit project sponsored by Sky Italia and Adobe. The aim was to introduce the students of secondary schools to the topic of sustainable development, while inspiring the new generations of cinema and TV talents.
To learn more about The Edit project, visit:
Over the last few months, 3rd-year students divided into groups have worked on short news reports about climate change, 4th-year students have experimented with simulated interviews or debates on sustainable nutrition, while 5th-year students have conducted video interviews with real experts in the field of renewable energy sources.
In March, for each class, the teachers in charge of the project – Mr Vimercati (Audiovisual and Multimedia Disciplines), Mr Bottoni (Video Editing), Ms Quartesan (Natural Sciences) – selected the best product to take part in the final of the contest to be held in the months of April and May.
This project-based learning activity was a great opportunity to hone innovative soft-skills ranging from creative and digital skills to critical thinking, problem solving and strategic thinking, thus fully embracing the objectives of ESD competencies defined by UNESCO and conveyed through the Casnati for ESD project.
The activity allowed the students to apply and perfect their planning, video shooting and editing skills, seeking and finding creative and practical solutions to shape previously selected content in compliance with The Edit regulations.
Everyone played an active role in the shooting in many different ways: from managing the video camera, the lights and the microphones to lending their image and voice to the report.
A comment from Andrea Farao, 4th-year student on the Multimedia course
That of Sky Edit was a very interesting experience in that by making a video we learned many things about the environment and nutrition. Problem solving was at the core of the research project we worked on as a group. By bouncing ideas off each other and playing to our strengths while overcoming weaknesses, we managed to create a very interesting project full of stimulating ideas. Being an interdisciplinary topic, it touched upon several subjects, thus helping us discover new notions that serve both an educational and a functional purpose.

A few thoughts from all the 4th-year students on the Multimedia course
‘It was interesting to be able to develop and discuss issues concerning the climate emergency in a creative and innovative way.’
‘A practical and engaging project, useful to learn more about a topic so close to our generation.’
‘Creating this video enabled us to develop the ability to reflect as part of a team, and to find compatible solutions. We explored the themes of sustainable nutrition and of the environment, which are embedded in Agenda 2030.’
#CasnatiforESD #wearecasnati