Portfolio – The Beating Heart of the 2024 Conference: The Crucial Role of Students

The conference “Education and Sustainable Development: Building a Territorial Network to Create Value” would not have been the same without the active involvement of the students of Centro Studi Casnati. Their participation was not limited to that of mere spectators but was a key element in the success of the event, demonstrating how youth leadership is essential for building a more aware and sustainable future.

An Engaged and Sensitive Audience

Students from the third and fifth years of the Language High School, along with students from the fourth-year quadriennale Linguistic course, followed the institutional session in the morning with great interest. Their presence was not passive; they engaged actively, asking questions, reflecting, and attentively listening, which enriched the debate and helped internalize the topics discussed.

Facilitators and Innovators in the Afternoon Workshops

In the afternoon, their role became even more impactful: they worked as facilitators in the workshop discussion tables, contributing to the formulation and collection of ideas that later guided the creation of the ESD Manifesto graphics by graphic designer Francesca Tabasso. This role allowed students to interact directly with experts and professionals, learning the importance of collaboration and creatively synthesizing the ideas emerging from the discussions.

Filming, Interviews, and Editing: The Audiovisual Contribution

Equally fundamental was the contribution of students and teachers from the Art High School – Audiovisual and Multimedia department. Thanks to their guidance and coordination, students carried out video recordings, interviewed guests, and handled post-production editing, professionally documenting the conference. The material produced will not only help to enhance and share the most significant moments of the event but will also serve as an educational resource to deepen and spread the topics addressed.

Stakeholders interviewed by the students [ITA]
Visual Communication: The Value of Graphic Design

Students and teachers from the Art High School – Graphic Communication Design department played a key role in the event’s visual communication. With the guidance of their teachers, students created all the communication materials, ensuring a clear, impactful, and coherent visual identity aligned with the values of the Casnati for ESD project.

Hospitality and Reception: The Contribution of the Hospitality Institute

The Hospitality Institute played a central role in welcoming guests, thanks to the professionalism and coordination of teachers who guided students through all stages of organization. Guest reception was managed with great attention, and the Light Lunch served in the Casnati’s Restaurant provided a high-level hospitality experience, demonstrating how sustainability also involves attention to detail and the enhancement of gastronomic excellence.

The Voice of the Students

The students of the Third-Year Linguistic course captured snapshots of their experience at the conference, reflecting on the thoughts they internalized and felt most strongly:

“We cannot live by only looking at the present or the past; we must look to the future to understand the meaning of life.”

“Creating a bridge between adults and young people is essential. Only by working together can we develop ideas and concrete projects.”

“We must be aware of our role and our potential: our school is a model, and many other institutions will follow us.”

“We are a generation full of fragilities, but these very fragilities are our greatest strength.”

“Participation is the key word: we must always be curious and never be satisfied with our knowledge.”

“The future is not a distant place; it is here and now. We must not think of sustainability as a utopia, but as a necessity.”

A Model of Active Participation

The event on November 5th was an extraordinary demonstration of how students can be not only recipients of an educational message but also true protagonists in its realization. Their commitment, supported by the careful guidance of teachers, demonstrated that Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) happens through action, creation, and collaboration, laying a solid foundation for a future where young people are increasingly at the center of change.

This initiative, part of the Casnati for ESD project, was carried out “with the support of resources from Regione Lombardia through Fondazione Lombardia per l’Ambiente.”

The event was co-organized in collaboration with the Global Schools Program and the United Nations SDSN, under the patronage of Regione Lombardia, Parco Regionale della Valle del Lambro, Confindustria Como, Youth4Climate (an initiative by MASE and UNDP), Provincia di Como, and Ecosistema Formazione Italia, in collaboration with the Ufficio Scolastico Territoriale di Como.

#CasnatiforESD #wearecasnati